3D printing catalog


Below is a catalog of custom open source 3D printing lab software and accessories for OT-2.

Opentrons believes that every scientist should have access to the tools they need for research - that's why all of our software and hardware is open source.

This is why many researchers have created custom 3D printed labs and accessories for the OT-2.

These are the ones that help other customers the most. We will update this list as we discover more information.

NOTE: We accept these tools but cannot endorse or verify their efficacy or compatibility with the Opentrons Labs software library.

The following files are for 3D printing Opentrons hardware. As with all 3D printing, there are some considerations to consider. Dimensions may vary from 3D printer to 3D printer and may require scaling and modification to ensure ideal fit.

If you are new to the 3D printing laboratory, this National Institutes of Health article is a great place to start.

3D printer files


Tube Rack Tube Transport Tool Microplate Rack Tip Ejector Skirt If you are looking for more hardware 3D printing files, check out this GitHub directory created by Henry Wuwong of Opentrons.


Custom Script (Want it? Contact our Applications Engineer) Multi-Tip Pickup Molecular Cloning Custom Tool

Petri Dish Grabber Inverted Microscope Opentrons MinION Adapter Likewise, if you would like to add these tools to our library of laboratory software, or if you need to add additional custom laboratory software, please fill out this form.

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