OT-2 Pipetting Station Deck Calibration

Hello everyone, I am Ethan, the head of technical support at 0pentrons. This video is the fifth in our series of videos from unboxing to protocol operation. In this issue we will take Tianjia to complete the deck calibration of OT-2. There are not many tools required for deck calibration. I just need the Opentrons tip holder, my computer, and the OT-2. I already connected my pipette in the last video. Before we enable the OT-2, I Deck calibration needs to be completed first, deck calibration is an important part of the OT-2 position calibration and ensures that the OT-2 moves its pipette to the correct position and gives the OT-2 a sense of direction.

Poor deck alignment can cause problems such as the pipette deviating in a certain direction or the mount changing, all depending on its position on the deck. We have several articles in our Help Center that explain deck calibration and all other calibrations in more detail, and you can find a more detailed tutorial on enabling deck calibration there. I go to the device tab and click on the OT-2 and I'll click on the three dots here to go to the robot settings page and this robot settings page has everything I need to know about the different calibrations of the OT-2 and it says I'm missing Deck calibration, which makes sense since this is a new robot.

I will start the plate calibration by pressing the calibrate deck button and the app will tell me what is needed for deck calibration. I need the Opentrons tip rack, I start the deck calibration, then I need to put the tip rack in the correct plate position, which is plate position 8 on the deck, take the tip box cover off, next I will confirm location and continue. The OT-2 is now reset and it will position itself so that the rearmost nozzle is above tip A1 on the screen. I can fine-tune the pipette in the XY and Z channels. I now operate so that the nozzle is above tip A1. center.

The nozzle is now centered on tip A1, so I now have the pipette pick up the tip, and in the app it asks me if the pipette successfully picked up the tip, so I will select yes and it will move to brother number five plate position, move the pipette slowly so that the tip is close to but not touching the bottom deck, the pipette is less than 0.1 mm from the deck, so I will remember this position, and then the pipette will move to plate position 1 Cross, now the pipette comes to plate position 1. I need to position the pipette so that it's centered on the cross, and to do that I'm going to use the app, hit the arrow keys to move the tip now exactly in the middle of the cross mark on plate number one, so I'm going to save this Calibrate and then move the pipette to plate position three, just like the last step before.

I now need to make sure that the tip is in the center of the cross on this plate. The tip is now exactly in the center of the cross in plate position 3. Save this calibration. Now the pipette will move to plate position 7. As in the previous step, I need to move the pipette slightly so that the tip is accurately located at the center of the cross. The pipette is now accurately located at the center of the cross in plate position 7. I This calibration will be saved and when green appears, the calibration is completed. So I'll click Return the tip to the tip rack and then exit, and the OT-2 resets. The above is the entire content of this video. Thank you for watching the fifth installment of this video series. I have now completed the deck calibration of OT-2. In the next installment, I will take you through the tip length calibration and pipette offset calibration. , thanks for watching, see you next time!

Related reading:

OT-2 Pipetting Workstation Unboxing Guide

OT-2 Pipetting Station Unlocking Guide

OT-2 pipetting workstation APP settings

OT-2 pipetting workstation connecting pipette Fluid Container Guide

OT-2 pipetting station deck calibration

OT-2 pipetting workstation tip length and Pipette offset calibration

OT-2 pipetting workstation Protocol operation

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