Automated protein purification

Protein purification can be complex and time-consuming. Automating protein purification workflows can increase efficiency, reduce errors and save hands-on time. Ideal for automated protein purification methods using magnetic beads or dual-flow columns.

Automated magnetic bead protein purification

Learn how to automate magnetic bead protein purification on the OT-2 using Thermo Fisher Dynabeads™ Protein A/Protein G and Thermo Fisher Pierce™ Ni-NTA magnetic agarose beads.

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Magnetic Beads Protein Purification Workstation

Automated protein purification on Opentrons Flex

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With the Flex Magnetic Bead Protein Purification Workstation, you can automate your magnetic bead-based protein purification workflow at the scale you need, increasing efficiency, reducing errors, and saving hands-on time. Flex enables you to automate small-scale isolation of specific proteins, protein complexes and antibodies, or proteomics sample processing using many of the leading magnetic bead-based reagent systems on the market.

  • Webinars and Application Notes

    Immunoprecipitation using Thermo Fisher Dynabeads on OT-2


  • Webinars and Application Notes

    Protein purification using Ni-NTA magnetic beads on OT-2

  • OT-2 dual-flow chromatography protein purification workstation

    Automate small-scale dual-stream protein purification using Biotage® PhyTip® columns on the OT-2.

  • Webinars and Application Notes

    Protein purification using Biotage® PhyTip® columns on Opentrons OT-2

    Dual-channel chromatography using Biotage® PhyTip® columns was performed using an Opentrons OT-2 liquid handler.


Reagents application data protocol confirm *
Dyna beads A/GF or iMM uno precipitation I MM uno precipitation using thermo Fisher Dyna beads on the OT-2


Pierce NI-n ta magnetic A rose beads NI-n tab EA-based protein purification on the OT-2


pH in tip protein A, protein pro plus, pro plus LX columns protein purification with bio taP and tip columns on the OT-2                                                                                                   



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*Verification Category:
  • Opentrons = Validated by the Opentrons team, verifying that the scientific results are as expected.
  • Partner = Verified by our reagent partners, verifying that scientific results are as expected.
  • Community = protocol used by members of the Opentrons community.

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