Automated NGS library preparation

The NGS library preparation process is complex and has numerous steps, making automation a daunting prospect. With Opentrons robots and proven protocols, library preparation can be the easiest part of your day.

Flex NGS Workstation

Save time when you choose a Flex NGS workstation—everything you need to automate your workflow so you can conduct science faster. With Flex NGS workstations, you can automate workflows at the scale you need to increase efficiency, reduce errors, and save hands-on time.

Contact us
  • Application Notes

    Ultra-efficient automated whole-genome sequencing

    Library preparation workflow using QIAseq® FX DNA Library Kit and QIAseq® Normalizer Kit on Opentrons Flex

  • Technical Bulletin

    Opentrons Flex: Flexible automation for NGS

    Platform overview and application data for NGS library preparation, nucleic acid extraction, and bead-based protein purification

  • Flex greatly helps us with library preparation and saves time and effort. More importantly, it changes the way we think about things. How can we systematize this so that it can be done more efficiently overall? Overall I like the culture. It's a more efficient way of doing things.

    – Peter McCaffrey, MD, FC AP, assistant professor: UTM B, CTO: PR AGMA bio


Reagents application data protocol confirm *
Q IA gen Q IA porn FX DNA library kit automating DNA library prep Q IA pornFX plus normalize Ron open TR ONS flex Q IAS EQ FX DNA library kit Oh no spray TR ONS flex Q IAS EQ FX DNA library kit with Q IA porn normalizer B oh no squirt TR ONS workflow flex

open TR ONS


Q IA gen Q IA porn library normalizer kit automating DNA library prep Q IA pornFX plus normalize Ron open TR ONS flex Q IAS EQ library normalizer kit workflow Aoh no spray TR ONS flex

open TR ONS


IL lumina DNA prep kit automated library preparation of small genomes using DNA preparation kit so not-2 IL lumina DNA PR EPON open TR ONS flex (coming soon) IL lumina DNA P repo not-2

open TR ONS

ID TX gen DNA EZ press DMC library prep kits
ID TX gen DNA EZ library prep kit oh no spray TR ONS flexID TX gen DNA EZ library pre PK ITO not-2ID TX gen DNA MC library pre PK ITO not-2

open TR ONS

ID TX gen normal A color module
n GS library normalization with ID TX gen normal A color module o not-2

open TR ONS

pornwell express PL ex library prep kit [poster] automated, multiplexed preparation of up to 384 plasmid libraries supports A 24-hour end-to-end sequencing workflow Porn well express PL ex library preparation oh no squirt TR ONS flex (2-part protocol)

open TR ONS


RO Cheka PA hyper prep kit automated library preparation of small genomes using DNA preparation kit so not-2 RO Cheka PA hyper prep kit Oh no spray TR ONS flex (coming soon)RO Cheka PA hyper pre PK ITO not-2

open TR ONS

NE B next ultra II DNA library prep kit for IL lumina automated library preparation of small genomes using DNA preparation kit so not-2NE B next ultra II DNA library prep kit for ILLUMINAO not-2

open TR ONS


NEX TERA XT DNA library preparation kit IL lumina nexterax to not-2 (4-part protocol)


*Verification Category:
  • Opentrons = Validated by the Opentrons team, verifying that the scientific results are as expected.
  • Partner = Verified by our reagent partners, verifying that scientific results are as expected.
  • Community = protocol used by members of the Opentrons community.

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