Application Notes
automated library preparation of small genomes using DNA preparation kits (IL lumina DNA prep kit, K APA hyper prep kit, and NE B next ultra II kit)
Fully Automated NGS Clean-up and Size Selection with Omega Bio-Tek Mag-Bind® TOTALPURE NGS on the OT-2
Robust and high-throughput SARS-co V-2 viral RNA detection, research, and sequencing using RN advance viral and the OT-2 platform
n GS library prep with Roche hyper prep kit
n GS library prep with NE B next ultra II DNA library prep kit for IL lumina
n GS library prep with ID TX gen DNA library prep EZ kit
n GS library prep with ID TX gen DNA library prep MC kit
n GS library normalization with ID TX gen normal A color module
NGS Cleanup and Size Selection with Omega Bio-tek Mag-Bind® TotalPure NGS
n GS cleanup with Mac here Y-NA gel nu Cleo mag ng S clean-up
n GS size selection with Mac here Y-NA gel nu Cleo mag ng S double-size selection