article · 2025Year48Moon27Day
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article · 2025Year37Moon27Day
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The purpose of the pipetting station is to identify all steps in the experimental process - from initial sample isolation to subsequent data generation, which also includes all pre-experimental preparations such as the preparation of buffer solutions and reaction mixtures. The next step is to determine how much error is allowed in the experiment so that it does not have a significant impact on producing good data. Some applications and procedures are more sensitive to errors during experiments than others. For example, all experiments involving amplification, such as qPCR, can be very sensitive to error, and simple buffer preparation steps. Improper selection of pipetting stations (pipettes) and tips as well as incorrect pipetting technique can be detrimental to the experiment. The main source of error. Any experiment that requires serial dilutions of standards to form a standard curve can be affected by a poor pipetting system. Here are some considerations for selecting tips for pipetting workstations:
Suction tips are usually made from polypropylene, and although it is an inert material, the potential factors of polypropylene should be considered. Different polypropylene materials determine some specific requirements during the production process, and other additives during the production process will also affect the production process. Some of these additives may leach from the tips and affect experimental results. To address this issue, it is recommended to purchase suction cups that do not contain dissolved substances, ensuring that the supplier provides documented evidence of all dissolved substances and contaminant sensitivity testing.
Contaminants include DNA and heat sources. If the manufacturing and packaging processes are not conducted in a clean room environment, these contaminants are likely to be present. There are many consumable molding and packaging facilities and equipment that are not well controlled. A good product manufacturing process should ensure that all workers wear clean work clothes, hats, masks and gloves. The air should be filtered to avoid contamination caused by hair or insects. Material testing The certificate should describe the testing process and test sensitivity. Those that only claim that the product is free of specific contaminants but do not provide the test method or test sensitivity will not provide any information and quality assurance.
The pipetting workstation is an automatic liquid handling platform system that can replace traditional liquid transfer tools and automatically complete high-precision liquid handling tasks such as gradient dilution, liquid transfer, and liquid merging. It can also be combined with detection instruments to achieve accurate target detection. detection. The fully automatic operation process of the fully automatic pipetting workstation can not only free laboratory workers from complex experimental operations, effectively reduce human errors, improve experimental repeatability, reduce costs, but also enable process control and traceability, and can be widely used Suitable for bioengineering, DNA plasmid purification, drug screening, ELISA reaction, PCR pretreatment, DNA sequencing processing, clinical trial sample processing and blood station system high-throughput sample analysis.
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