Sample Plating

The process of transferring a liquid or solid sample to a solid medium or surface (usually a petri dish or multi-well plate) for growth, analysis, or further experimentation.

Which workflows require sample plating?

The main purpose of sample plating is to isolate, culture and enumerate microorganisms, or to culture cells for various experiments and analysis in molecular biology and proteomics. Sample plating is commonly used in a variety of workflows, such as:

  1. microbial culture, used to isolate and identify specific bacterial or fungal species.
  2. cell culture research in molecular biology for Gene expression, drug testing, or other cell assays.
  3. ICS experiments that study the interactions or activities of protein solid phase.
  4. colony PCR and other genetic screening methods.
  5. antimicrobial susceptibility testing.

Commonly used sample plating methods

there are several methods for sample plating, each with specific uses depending on the experimental goals:

Streak vaccination

purpose: Individual colonies were isolated from mixed samples.

operation steps:Using an inoculation loop, the sample is applied to the surface of the agar in a specific pattern (usually three to four quadrants). The aim is to dilute the sample so that individual cells are deposited separately on the agar in the last quadrant, thus forming isolated colonies after incubation.

learn more about streak vaccination

Pour plate method

purpose:Same as ‘Coated Plate Method’.

operation steps:A quantity of liquid sample is mixed with melted agar medium and poured into a petri dish. When the agar solidifies, the microorganisms become embedded in it and form colonies on the surface and inside the agar.

learn more about the pour plate method

Spot inoculation method

purpose:For assays, comparative growth studies or rapid screening.

operation steps:A small number of different samples are placed as individual spots on the surface of an agar plate. This method can be used to quickly compare growth conditions or to examine multiple strains or treatments at the same time.

learn more about spot vaccination

Coated plate method

purpose:Count the number of microorganisms in a sample or culture isolated colonies.

operation steps:Pipette a volume of liquid sample (usually pre-diluted) into the centre of the agar plate. Spread the sample evenly over the entire surface of the agar using a sterile curved rod (usually a glass rod) or a cell spreader.

Drop plate method

purpose:A variation of the ‘spot inoculation method’, but smaller.

operation steps:A small drop of sample (usually 5-10 µl) is placed on an agar plate. Often used for rapid visual inspection or to detect viability.

Replica plate method

purpose:Transfer multiple colonies from one plate to another and maintain the same spatial arrangement.

operation steps:The master plate containing the colonies is pressed onto sterile velvet or similar material. A new agar plate is then pressed onto the same piece of velvet and some cells from each colony are transferred to the new plate in the same spatial pattern.

Why is sample plating difficult?

  1. technical sensitivity: proper isolation and growth requires consistently gentle techniques to prevent damage to cells or colonies.
  2. cross-contamination: there is always A risk of introducing contaminants from the environment or other samples.
  3. volume accuracy: ensuring the exact volume of sample is critical for some quantitative analyses.

Sample plating has never been easier

The OT-2 is a benchtop liquid handling station designed for the convenience and flexibility of automating many common applications.

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Agreement highlights

There are auto mate sample decking with open source protocols for OT-2 and open TR ONS flex on open TR ONS and LP.

The advantages of automated sample plating compared to manual areas follows:

  1. consistency: automated systems ensure consistent plating across multiple samples.
  2. high-throughput: automation significantly reduce St and time IT take stop late large numbers of samples.
  3. reduce pollution risks: reduce manual intervention and reduce pollution risks.
  4. accuracy: automated system ensures precise liquid distribution and uniform coating for accurate results.

Learn more

Feel free to contact us and our team of professional application scientists will help you confirm whether the automated experimental process is suitable for your needs. If you need to check the operation of the experimental process, you can schedule an online demo with us to discuss your experimental needs in depth with the expert team.

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